Using Visual SourceSafe - Integrating VSS with Access 2003

This article is a part of SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial

In previous article, I wrote about how to integrate SourceSafe with Access 2007. This time, I will write about integrating SourceSafe with Access 2003. There is common information in the previous article. Please take a look at that article first at:


The steps of integrating VSS and Access 2003 are similar:

  1. Install Access 2003 source code control add-in. It can be downloaded from:

  2. Choose SourceSafe as the current SCC (Source Code Control) provider. For information on how to do it, see this:

  3. Open the database in Access 2003 and you will find the SourceSafe command under the Tools menu.

  4. Add the database into source control of SourceSafe by clicking menu Tools -> SourceSafe -> Add Database to SourceSafe.

Add Access database to SourceSafe (Add Access database to SourceSafe)

  1. Log into a SourceSafe database and select the location to store the project.

Log in SourceSafe (Log in SourceSafe)

Add the project to SourceSafe (Add the project to SourceSafe)

  1. Add the Access objects into SourceSafe.

Add Access objects into SourceSafe (Add Access objects into SourceSafe)

  1. Now the objects are in the source control of SourceSafe. You can find the SourceSafe functions by clicking menu Tools -> SourceSafe.

You can also access some of the functions by right-clicking the items.

SourceAnywhere - the SQL Server-based SourceSafe Replacement

The SQL Server-based Source Control Software Designed to be a SourceSafe Replacement

SourceAnywhere for VSS - the Fastest SourceSafe Remote Access Tool Recommended by Microsoft

The Fastest SourceSafe Remote Access Tool Recommeded by Microsoft

Links: Previous article ««: Integrating SourceSafe / VSS with Access 2007 Next article »»: Integrating SourceSafe / VSS with SQL Server 2008 SourceSafe How To series home page: VSS / SourceSafe Tutorial